Thursday 21 January 2010


For my research, i watched a few different film trailers and music videos. The films were all horror/thriller as that is what i want to base my trailer on if i picked that option.

The first music video i looked at was Pussycat Dolls - Beep.
I liked it because it swaps between a choreographed dance and extra bits and storyline. It also swaps between all of the characters. And at the beginning it changes the scene to the beat of the music.

The next music video i looked at was Christina Aguilera - Fighter.
I looked at this because of the horror aspect, with dark settings and strange characters. I liked how the characters all moved sharply to add a weird effect and unrealistic movement and also dance related moves. I also liked the little bits of CGI to creat a melting effect of silk and when she is hanging up on the wall.

The first movie trailer i looked at was for Shrooms.
I liked that it started at the beginning with cheerful music and clips of the funny things when taking shrooms, such as a talking cows, and then it cuts into dark clips and music after a girl eats the deadly one and there are a lot of strange characters which are shown only quickly and people being attacked. Then it ends with the title.

The second trailer i looked at was for Haunting in Conneticut.
I thought this was well put together, by starting with clips of the film with the mian character speaking. Then slowly there is eerie sounds used to create a mysterious effect and ending with an off tone piano.

I like all of these different aspects of each, but i would prefer to do a horror movie trailer.

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