Monday 10 May 2010


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I have followed many common conventions on each of my different media products, due to them being very effective. Firstly, in my trailer, i used a quick transition between the shots to build up tension, and also some slower dissolving transitions for a longer clip. This is a very common convention in horror films. Also, many of the scenes are dark to show the dark mood and atmosphere and also building suspense and mystery.
For my ancillary tasks i researched existing film magazine to see their common layouts and conventions they use which are effective and i used some of these ideas to create my own front cover and poster. I used the same picture for both because i thought that people would relate the two and it would make people remember the advertisement more.

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary tasks?

I think that my main product and ancillary tasks work well together, because the two ancillary tasks add an extra part of the story which is not reveiled in the film itself - the haunting woman. They can therefore link it to the storyline already known and understand it much more.
Due to my film trailer being a horror, i linked that idea in with the poster and front cover by adding a simple colour scheme of darker colours, especially on the poster.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have learnt things i have succeeded on and things i could improve on from my audience in the comments which were made, such as:

- 'It's a bit too dark at the end and i can't see whats going on' - I agreed with that comment but there was a slight reason that it was too dark. It was very difficult to get the right light and it wasn't as noticeable until it was uploaded on to the computer.

- ' I really like it and would definately go and see it in the cinema'

- 'I like the colour scheme on the magazine. It all stands out really well'

Even funny comments like:

-'Woah your sister's creepy' - which of course i'm pleased with as that was what i aimed for.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used as many different media technologies as i could to create all my tasks of my project.

- The internet to do my research and even photo editing - and and of course to do my blogging

-Video Recorder to film my footage

- Adobe Premier Pro to edit my footage and create my final trailer

- Publisher to create my magazine front cover

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